Fuel Remote Web

Say hello to our Fuel Remote Solution

By Avis Fleet
August 24, 2020
Car parked in a petrol station at night


Save with Fuel Remote

With the cost of fuel rising constantly, Fleet Operators are always looking for new ways to save. And we’re here to tell you that we can help.


Our Fuel Remote Solution is a web-based application that easily controls and manages the fuel in your depot. With this solution, reports and recons are accessible anywhere and anytime.


There is a unique calculated litres feature for greater control over fuel used at depots and numerous system validations that help to identify problems. Customers can choose between a standard and customised reporting capability and there’s also an option for multiple validated users.


Line-by-line analysis

All transactions are easily captured on our safe online platform for line-by-line analysis by our Intelligent Fuel Management bureau.


Fuel Remote Web can be accessed for security information including on-site tank and transaction processing assessments and tank access and security.


Monitor fuel-related activity

Fleet Managers can keep their eye on every fuel-related activity with features that include dipstick (tank meter) readings, transaction recording, daily recons, stock replenishment and fuel depot management.


You can also use Fuel Remote Web as a capture tool for on-road transactions.


Avis Fleet has an extensive offering to help you operate your fleet. Outsourcing your fleet management to us means that you can rest assured that every aspect is taken care of.


We have solutions that help customers with everything from vehicle acquisition to maintenance, Telematics, and making provisions for accidents.


Find out more about procurement and other fleet management solutions here, and contact us about how to implement our Fuel Remote solution to streamline your fleet operations.


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